Goals for 2024
Our goals are the most accurate expression of intention of what we want to achieve by 2024. They are built on what we’ve seen working on the past and our aspiration to deliver more impact on the future.
We have structured our goals following our three-pronged approach, expressing the main needs and wants of our peers and the communities we serve:
Organize: express our desire to grow our people power, leadership and governance to generate impact locally and nationally.
Deliver impact through partnership: express our intention to make change by leveraging the expertise, network and community engagement of our partners.
Progress through Practice: express our commitment to build capacity on our teams, with our peers and the organizations we partner with to expand Code for America’s values, tech-expertise and human-centered approach.
1. Organize
Goal 1a: Scale up the # of active volunteers from 10,000 to 20,000 with a clear pipeline and pathways for new members within and outside the tech industry. Scale up total members from 25,000 to 40,000.
Description: We want to continue to grow to face new challenges, increase our impact, and increase our power as leaders in the civic technology field. This means better communicating who we are and the work we do and creating clear pathways for participation to engage a diversity of talent to volunteer with us.
Measure of success:
# of active volunteers defined as participating in at least one project/partnerships per year
# of total volunteers as defined by participating in at least one event every year (brigade meetup, Summit, Congress, NDoCH)
% of volunteers who from a variety of background, tech and non-tech
Goal 1b: 70 healthy brigades with an identified core team, leadership and internal governance model structure, and at least one partnership.
Description: We strive to increase the health, sustainability, and engagement of individual brigades with governance, partnership, and skills-based support. We recognize that strong, healthy brigades are better able to meet the needs of participants and community partners alike.
Measure of success:
# / % of Brigade healthy brigade teams structured with all established criteria (identified core team, clear leadership and internal governance model structure, active partnership)
Goal 1c: 5,000 National Action team volunteers
Description: Through our National Action Teams, we aim to create new pathways for participation that are accessible regardless of location and open to a variety of skills and interests that help us advance national-level opportunities
Measure of success:
# of National Action Team volunteers / # of volunteer hours
2. Deliver impact through partnership
Goal 2a: Help 10 million people annually and provide impact to local communities through partnerships.
Description: By partnering with local and national community organizations we are able to reach millions of people, sharing and advocating for our human-centered approach and leveraging tech solutions to improve the life of underserved communities.
Measure of success:
Activities: % of partnership-based projects with clear impact goals
Outcomes: # of partnerships / # of people engaged
Impact: # of people reached with our projects; $$ value of technology support invested.
Goal 2b: Help 5 million people annually through national partnerships
Description: National Action Teams will organize and mobilize to support national-level issues, in partnerships with organizations that can leverage our collective power (e.g. VITA/GYR, Transform911, Color of Change)
Measure of success:
Outcomes: # of partnership / # of people engaged
Impact: # of people reached / helped; $$ value of technology support invested.
3. Progress through practice
Goal 3a: Create and socialize a civic tech curriculum of CfA principles and practices, supporting 2,000 civic tech leaders
Description: by creating and socializing a civic-tech curriculum that identifies the practices, language and values we share, we can facilitate entry points to our mission for anyone in the country that aligns to the way we do things, and have a platform that supports us in building the capacity of our teams and partners.
Measure of success: capacity built as measured by # of leaders trained through curriculum
Goal 3b: Develop and sustain a community of practice that serves and upskills 4,000 participants.
Description: a community of practice is built around groups of skill sets we find within our Network community that contribute to achieving our goals (e.g., designers, user researchers, engineers). This community will be a space to facilitate peer to peer mentorship, collaborative learning, and up-level our skills by sharing practical experiences. These are spaces where Code for America staff, volunteers, and all who identify as Code for America members and supporters will learn from one another.
Measure of success: # of people actively participating in the community of practice groups
Goal 3c: Fellowship goals TBD by future fellowship strategy
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