Feedback & Changelog

The purpose of this page is to share ways to engage with this draft - and to provide a transparent way to catalogue edits or additions made to this draft after August 12, 2021.


As You Read

Offering as close to a finished piece as possible for the CxO and the Network readership to consider ensures collective readiness for implementation once that alignment is reached. At this stage, we’ve structured feedback around gathering inputs and considerations for implementation.

How to Offer Feedback

In order for us to optimize how we process feedback and apply it to the next iteration of the Recommendation draft and implementation plan, we’ve provided the following options:

You can offer feedback through any or all of these options as you prefer. If you’re interested in joining a focus group outside of the other forums to be scheduled before Brigade Congress, you can signal your interest here.

Expectations of Application

If you have smaller word-edits or line edits to part of this recommendation, please send a message to

We expect this document to be an iterative one; through August and September, the changelog below will reflect changes made based on discussions with CxO and based on feedback provided here. Our hope is to primarily focus on implementing these ideas and thus much of the draft feedback asks for your ideas and considerations in implementing these plans.


11/5/21: Updated the Executive Summary to be far more comprehensive & an easier quick read

Last updated